(802) 909-2720

Here is where you register for your complimentary 30-minute "introductory" coaching call. This is our opportunity to meet, discuss your needs and goals and see how we may best serve you

What can COACHING do for me?

  • Aligning Goals and Values

  • Improved Confidence & Self-Efficacy

  • Transformative Personal & Professional Growth

  • Clarity in Vision & Direction

  • Overcome Obstacles

Does this sound like you? Are you struggling with ...

Lack of Direction

Many of us feel lost or uncertain about our next steps, struggling to find clarity and direction as we navigate life transitions or seek to redefine our purpose

Feeling Stuck

We often feel trapped in our current circumstances—whether it's a career, lifestyle, or mindset—unable to break free from patterns that no longer serve us and unsure how to make meaningful changes

Balancing Priorities

We face challenges in managing the demands of personal and professional life, seeking a way to achieve success without sacrificing our well-being, relationships, or personal fulfillment

Wendy was experiencing this too, until now...

"Liz has been a supportive ally and accountability coach in the battle against my “monkey” mind. For quite some time, I’d been longing for a career change but numerous obstacles had me stuck. She has helped me recognize my worth and gain clarity on the values I hold dear. Liz is a non-judgemental, sharp listener and has a gift of summarizing back to you in a way that resonates. In just a few sessions, I’ve implemented the strategies we’ve discussed and it’s exciting to feel genuine progress! If you’re serious about implementing change, Liz will help clear the fog and get you on your way!"

• Wendy R | Connecticut

About Coach Liz

Liz Cresci is dedicated to empowering midlifers who feel stuck, lost, or uncertain about their future. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges that come with this stage of life, Liz works with clients to break free from limiting beliefs and past experiences that have held them back. As a Master NLP Practitioner and Accredited Professional Coach, she provides personalized coaching that helps individuals regain control of their lives and take intentional steps toward a future that truly reflects their values and aspirations.

Through her coaching, Liz guides clients to rediscover their potential, embrace new opportunities, and build a meaningful legacy. Whether it's overcoming self-doubt, navigating major life transitions, or simply finding clarity and direction, Liz is committed to helping her clients step confidently into their next chapter. Her approach is rooted in practical strategies, deep empathy, and a passion for seeing people live their best lives. Ready to create the life you’ve always wanted? Liz is here to help you make it happen.

If you want to explore how amazing things can be ... Click the button!

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